If you thought that allergies were just a springtime problem, you’re wrong. As people spend an increasing amount of time indoors during the colder seasons, it’s not ragweed or pollen giving them the sniffles. It’s indoor allergens like dirt and dust. The good news is there are a few things people can do to help combat allergy flareups, like cleaning window treatments, hiring professional carpet cleaning companies to steam clean, and installing air filters.
1. Clean Drapes and Curtains.
People don’t really think about it much, but a lot of dust can accumulate in curtains, drapes, or other types of window treatments. When taking efforts to remove allergens from the home, curtains and drapes should be washed frequently — if not removed altogether — to ensure that dust and other allergens are not accumulating. What matters most here is the frequency that they’re washed, not the type of soap used or the temperature of the water.
2. Hire Carpet Cleaning Services.
Carpeting is one of the most common places that allergens find homes. Dust is a contributor to allergy flareups, but what is more bothersome is what dust mites leave behind. Dust mite body parts and feces can cause sinus symptoms in allergy sufferers, and more than 20,000 dust mites can live comfortably in just a single ounce of carpet dust. Vacuuming and regular carpet cleaning products are not going to cut it. The best way to ensure that a carpet is as free from dust and mites as possible, a steam cleaning done by carpet cleaning services should be performed at least once every year to year and a half.
3. Install Quality Air Filters.
Since air quality in the home during the colder seasons is actually worse than that outside, taking measures to filter it is important. It’s also helpful to have heating and air ducts cleaned, but high-quality air filters changed monthly will help remove dust and other allergens from the air.
Do you have any other tips for reducing indoor allergens? Let us know in the comments.
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