Magnetic Resonance Imaging: What You Need to Know
If you are someone (or know someone) who is in the welding industry you have come to the right place. When it comes to welding, not only are there numerous types of tools involved (i.e. purging equipment, pipe alignment tools, and non sparking tools) but there are also various types of jobs that welding equipment can assist with. Specifically, welding plays a big role in the medical field, with regards to magnetic resonance imaging. Be sure to keep reading below for additional information pertaining to the connection between welding and the medical industry.
1. Welding materials, such as non-magnetic titanium, is safe for use with bio-medical machines such as MRI machines, showing how diverse welding materials can be.
Non-magnetic titanium is 100% safe for use with bio-medical or diagnostic imaging machines like MRIs. This is a huge deal, as it illustrates the overlap between welding machinery and the medical field. When it comes to medical machines such as MRIs, welding is an essential component as it helps make the machinery. Keep this in mind the next time you see a doctor!
2. Every year, money is lost due to companies using old methods for construction, illustrating the need for updated welding practices such as purge kits.
Thousands of dollars in labor are lost annually by companies continuing to use old-fashioned methods to align pipes and fittings. Unfortunately, this loss of money can be large, so it is important that welders be open to using new methods of construction. Whether it be purge kits or new tools to align pipes, it is imperative that the welding industry grows with the times.
3. By 2024, research shows that employment for the welding field will grow to more than 400,00 jobs, which illustrates that this is a field that is needed.
Consider, that according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment for welders, cutters, solderers, and brazers is projected to reach 412,300. This is great because it means that not only are welders helping the medical community, but the welding community is helping people find jobs. There are numerous opportunities within the welding world, so consider reaching out to a welding company near you.
If you found these tips helpful, then you are on the right track to learning about the various benefits of magnetic resonance imaging. Be sure to keep the aforementioned tips in mind, as they are sure to help you discover the benefits of this industry. First, welding materials, such as non-magnetic titanium, is safe for use with bio-medical machines such as MRI machines, showing how diverse welding materials can be. Second, every year, money is lost due to companies using old methods for construction, illustrating the need for updated welding practices. Lastly, by 2024, research shows that employment for the welding field will grow to more than 400,00 jobs, which illustrates that this is a field that is needed.