When you are looking to make a change in your home that will make a big impact but have a little impact on your budget, you can’t go wrong with a new paint job. You can usually paint a room for less than $100, and even bigger projects won’t break the bank.
Interior painting is a good way to make changes to your home without spending a lot of time or money. You usually can paint a room in your home by yourself in just a few hours. You may want to do a custom color that can add some style to your home. Typically you want to stay with neutral colors, especially if you believe you will be moving soon. More than one-third of people say they would choose a neutral color palette when redecorating their home. On the other hand, using some color can brighten up your home and in some instances even add value. For example, A 2017 survey from Zillow showed that blue bathrooms can be worth an extra $5,400 when selling your home.
Not all painting you will do is as simple as just changing colors in a room. There are other more complex painting jobs that may be necessary in your home. For example, you might want to use clear coat for wood floors or other wood surfaces in your home. Clear coat for wood can also be used when painting a porch that is wood. A polyurethane clear coat helps to protect your wood by making it resistant to water and also make it look nice.
Another painting job that may be necessary for your home is an exterior paint job. If you have painted wood rather than siding, a paint job will be necessary every few years. When painting your exterior wood you will want to be sure to use a wood primer before applying the paint. That will help to make sure that it lasts longer.
If you own a house for long enough, you will wind up needing to do some improvement projects. Painting, whether it is a room or your entire house, is a good project to do. It adds a lot of value without taking that big of a bite out of your budget.