You have been creating this plan since the first day you moved into your new home. While you, your husband and your six month old daughter were moving into the first and second floor of your new house, the unfinished basement was left completely empty. But just a few days into your new residence you had already started imaging what the basement space could become. As soon as your oldest daughter became three and decided that she was into dressing up and performing, your father helped your husband create a wooden stage that could cover the rough-in plumbing for what would eventually become the basement bathroom.
Lots of dancing shows, indoor tricycle riding, and sleepless sleepovers later, the unfinished basement space in your home is finally ready to “grow up” into a new space for the whole family. Your now family of four, which includes two daughters four years apart, will enjoy the finished basement space to include a huge theater screen, a small kitchen area, storage, a bedroom and, what you’re most excited about, the downstairs bathroom. You have been collecting the ceramic art tiles created by your growing daughters that have come home as fundraising and holiday purchases. You are determined that they will be incorporated into the bath and shower tile ideas for the new basement bathroom — the one new space that will not be totally grown up.
The list of kitchen, bath, and shower tile ideas is extensive. When you add in the options for outdoor pools, patios and cook areas, this list grows even more. Whether you are looking for travertine pavers for the new walkway you are creating, or you are considering using brick pavers around your inside fireplace to match the outdoor bricks on your home, you will soon realize that you can find a color and style to match any design dream you create.
Travertine, for example, is a type of limestone that forms in hot mineral springs in locations all around the world. It comes in numerous colors, including white, tan, brown, cream, and gold. It is a very durable surface that can be left in its natural state or polished to a high sheen, depending on your preference. As restoration with stone, travertine and other natural surfaces increase in popularity, you might want to visit a showroom so that you understand all of the options before you make your decision.
Who knows? After you have turned the shower tile ideas into realities and have finished all of the indoor decorating and remodeling, you just might decide to redesign all of your outdoor spaces as well. The deck and patio construction industry employs an estimated 129,518 people in America, and they too offer plenty of opportunities to express your style and color.