The concept of tiny homes might not sound thrilling to you or me, but they are perfect for folks that currently are homeless. One charity has begun to capitalize on that sentiment and is spearheading the project of building tiny homes specifically to house homeless people. For details keep reading.
What Is This Charity?
It is called “Don’t Count Me Out” and its purpose is to carry out the process of building these tiny homes. Participating builders arrived in Blackburn Park in Brookhaven to do just that. It takes approximately one full weekend to complete one of these tiny houses.
What Happens Next?
Upon completion of a tiny home, it is turned over to someone that Don’t Count Me Out has been working with. Although it is so small, the recipient views this as a miracle to be able to sleep with a roof over his or her head. This is in direct contrast to spending countless days and nights bearing the brunt of various seasonal elements. Needless to say, all recipients are grateful for these small homes.
These Homes Are Durable!
Do not let their diminutive size fool you. These tiny miracles are extremely durable. The secret is in the quality of the materials they are built with. Builders use materials such as low VOC paint. Another key to their lasting for decades is proper maintenance. As far as upkeep goes, these homes must be maintained as faithfully as their larger counterparts are. The same holds true for any furniture inside the home.
Tiny Homes are Popular
Are you under the impression that nobody would be interested in a tiny home? If so, you are mistaken. They are extremely popular. To the average person who already has a home of larger size, a tiny house is useless. However, to a person that does not have any home, they are a dream come true. They are incredibly popular and perhaps the answer that charity groups were searching for.
Tiny Home Communities
Something else that the owner of a tiny house can look forward to is the community-like atmosphere within a development. Each of these folks has a great deal in common with each other and knows where the other people are coming from. Happy residents come together to form these communities which are quite enriching. It is almost as if they were each other’s family.
Become Involved!
You can become involved in a charity like this. In this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, you may not have a lot of money to donate. However, you can volunteer your time to help with preparations for tiny home buildings or the building project itself. Imagine if it was you and your family that was going to receive a home, wouldn’t you be happy?