When it comes to homeownership, one of the most important things a home owner can do for their home is to keep the foundation in good shape. The same can be said for business owners, who want to keep their place of business up and running.
When it comes to foundation repair, the options available depend on where you live or work and the conditions of the area where your property lies. With those two factors in mind, here are several options for foundation repair and to avoid residential foundation failure, commercial foundation failure and foundation problems:
- Steel piers: Foundation repair, both commercial foundation repair and residential foundation repair, has been revolutionized by steel piers. They take less time to install and don’t disturb your property as much when compared to concrete. When it comes to installation, steel piers have become more technical and much easier to install since there is data to back up their effectiveness. A pier and beam foundation consists of joists that are usually spaced anywhere from 18 inches to 12 feet apart.
- Foam: Commercial foundation repair can be simplified by using high-density polyurethane foam. Foundation repair companies can inject the foam in a grid that gets very close to the area in need of repair. The high-density foam has become a hot commodity because it’s cost-effective and can be installed quickly. The key is to make sure the foam doesn’t clog ducts for your home’s or business’ HVAC system.
- Segmented piers: When it comes to commercial foundation repair, segmented piers are a low-cost option and can be a bargain for those on a budget.
- Concrete: Concrete piers are usually installed for setting a home’s foundation before a home is built, it can also be used for repairs. Before the introduction of steel, concrete was the preferred material for many foundation repair companies.
It’s important to keep in mind that while concrete can be effective in foundation repair, there are some cons in using it. It can be costly since a foundation repair company would have to set up drill rigs in residential areas. Additionally, they have to dig dirt from pier holes, which can make for a lot of cleanup. - Spot piers: These piers are hand-dug and filled with concrete. If you’re looking to repair a foundation in an area like a porch, spot piers are a way to go.
- Helical piers: When it comes to exterior foundation repair or interior slab repairs, helical piers are a good option They can be useful whether you’re setting a new foundation or trying to make a repair to an existing foundation. Areas with porches or siding benefit due to the versatility of helical piers.
When it comes to foundation failure, there are many causes for it, including:
- Changes in temperature: Whether you know it or not, shifts in temperature can have an effect on the soil under your home or business. When the weather turns cold for example, the moisture in soil can freeze, which causes the soil to swell.
- Flooding: If water tends to pool up around your home’s foundation or business’ after a storm, that can contribute to foundation failure. Improper draining and soil swelling can prevent water from dispersing like it should and over time, stagnant water can leak into the inside of a home or building.
- Plumbing: Leaks in your home plumbing system can also contribute to foundation problems. Water from leaky pipes can oversaturate the soil underneath a home, causing soil swelling.
- Dryness: The flip side to cold temperatures is warm temperatures and those can contribute to foundation problems too. Heat and wind can cause soil shrinkage and erode the foundation’s support.
Walking around your home foundation or company foundation every few months or so to check for signs of trouble can pay off. If insects are an issue, try to plug holes and cracks. Check crawlspaces for signs of moisture and make sure the soil around your foundation gets neither too wet or too dry.
If you notice any of the foundation problems described above, don’t hesitate to contact a foundation repair company. A foundation repair company will have trained professionals, who are experienced at dealing with kinds of foundational issues, both with residential foundation repair and commercial foundation repair, you may not be equipped to deal with yourself.