If you’re a homeowner, you probably already know that you have to keep your furnace working for when the cold arrives by getting it inspected annually. But did you know that residential air conditioners also require the same treatment? If you have central AC in your home, then you may need to call for AC service soon — or else risk costly residential AC repair if you ignore any maintenance problems.
So what do homeowners have to do to take care of their air conditioners, and why is it necessary? Here are three reasons that a little bit of maintenance can go a long way:
1. An inspection is the simplest way to catch problems early. Just as you get furnace inspections before winter starts up, aim for springtime for an AC inspection. This helps ensure that you catch any problems before you go to start up your AC unit for the summer, and a repair service can fix minor problems before they become major ones. Your air conditioning repair technician can help you develop a routine maintenance plan, so you’ll know exactly when your system requires scheduled maintenance.
2. Maintaining an air conditioner can help you improve your energy efficiency. If your ducts are blocked or your air conditioner isn’t working properly, this could force you to turn the thermostat down too low, which uses a lot of energy. By keeping your system running well, you can potentially save on your cooling costs. Another trick to improve energy efficiency is to take advantage of cool days by letting your AC rest. This also gives you the chance to open the windows and air out your home.
3. Determine when you need repairs and replacements with a reliable AC service. Unless you want to learn how to do AC maintenance yourself, it’s usually best to have the pros handle it. Getting quality AC service means that you’ll have professionals who can give you the advice you need on taking care of your AC, and they’ll perform repairs and upgrades only when it’s necessary.
Have more questions about air conditioning repair and preventative maintenance? Be sure to call a local AC repair service to ask about your system. You can leave a comment with us for general questions and suggestions.