During the winter, the ground is basically covered in frozen water — and whenever the temperature rises over 32 degrees Fahrenheit, this snow will melt and saturate the ground with moisture.
What does that mean for you? For one, if your basement leaks when it rains, you’ll probably see much of the same leaks. But for major thaws, your basement could be at risk of flooding and causing major water damage to your home’s foundation.
When the average foundation repair contractors charge $3,000 to $5,000 for repairing foundation problems, it’s essential to keep your foundation safe by taking preventive action against basement floods this winter.
To make sure you avoid basement cracks and leaks this winter, check out these three things you can do to keep basement flooding at bay:
Keep the ground around your home snow-free
It’s actually a good idea to shovel any snow you may get away from your home itself — and be sure to safely clear snow from your roof to keep excess water out of the home as well. Be sure all gutters and downspouts are kept snow and ice-free so they won’t go into your basement once they thaw.
Regularly check your sump pumps
If your basement has a sump pump, be sure to check up on it every once in a while to make sure it still works properly. To do this, simply lift its float up to check whether or not it starts running, or to dump water into the pump’s pit and see if it effectively pumps the water out.
Invest in a basement waterproofing procedre
Perhaps the easiest way to keep floods out of your basement is to have the walls of your basement waterproofed. These procedures are both effective at preventing leaks and floods and can help avoid thousands of dollars in foundational damage.
Have any other tips to share for avoiding basement cracks and leaks this winter? Share with us by leaving a comment below!