In this YouTube video, Bay Cities Construction looks at what is needed to start residential additions to a person’s home. There are five easy steps to doing construction drawings and planning out a remodel.
Step one includes committing to a target budget.
A target budget will keep the work framed in a realistic expectation.
Step two includes designing towards the budget, without exception. Every item picked out and every design consideration must be done considering the budget, from bathroom tile choices down to the handles that might be on a cupboard.
Step three involves getting the whole team on board with the plan and the budget constraints. Deadlines should be clearly defined and written for the engineer, architect, permit agencies, and construction crew.
Step four is to execute faithfully upon the goals to which have been already previously committed. Each step should be targeted in the job scope.
Finally, step five is working the plan to completion at a committed, aggressive pace. There will be setbacks and drops in morale amongst the team periodically. Working at an aggressive pace keeps the job ahead of time, allowing room for lapses.