Your home is a complex creation. A lot of work goes into making it snug, safe, and beautiful.
So much so, in fact, we can easily overlook other ways of saving ourselves money. Take a look at your blinds, for example. Are they outdated or starting to bend? The field of window coverings is a broad one, encompassing benefits including (but not limited to) improved ROI, lower energy bills, and protected furniture. Families looking for ways of improving the feeling of a home would do well to learn about the different kinds of blinds on the market.
A new set of honeycomb shades or drapery installation will go a long way to pull your home together.
The Window Treatment Industry Today
Homeowners today are always looking for new and innovative ways to improve the state of their home. Sometimes this includes a whole home renovation and other times it can be a simple change in furniture. Between 2013 and 2018 the Blind and Shade Manufacturing Industry grew by an impressive 3% in the United States. American demand for superior window coverings is expected to hit $5 billion in 2021, according to the most recent Window Coverings report. Another 2018 study found 15% of respondents between the ages of 18 and 30 stating they recently bought a new set of draperies and curtains.
Save Money On Your Energy Bill With Honeycomb Shades
A major benefit that comes with installing new honeycomb shades around the home is reducing your energy bill. The average American home spends 50% of its monthly income on heating and cooling expenses alone. This can get even worse during the winter months, when small drafts and insufficient lighting can change your stalwart conservation habits. UV rays can be filtered through custom drapes designed to control ambient light. In the winter thick draperies are able to reduce heat loss from a room by up to 10% or more.
Protect Your Furniture And Rugs From Sunlight
A little sunlight is good for the soul. Too much can go the opposite direction and expose you to health risks…as well as damage to your furniture. Leather furniture should be kept away from direct sunlight, as the heat can crack and warp the material beyond repair. Even your rugs can have an increased risk of fading, losing their color and texture both. Window shades remain one of the most common forms of window treatments today.
Improve Your Home’s Value With Energy Efficient Shades
You can step things up further by improving your home’s value. Not only will you enjoy a lower energy bill with the aid of cellular shades in your most frequented rooms, you can also raise your home’s value. Homes that are more energy efficient are more likely to be considered for a purchase than those that aren’t, even if it’s a simple addition like new draperies. Every homeowner has a unique need for window treatments. Some prefer more decorative interior shutters, while others look for functionality first.
Embrace Your Artistic Side With Beautiful Draperies
Should your home be in a pretty solid spot energy-wise, there’s no shame in just wanting to enjoy a more lovely place to live. Draperies are a regal addition to any room, able to spread and fold onto the floor just like a classical painting. You can take advantage of form and function, saving money and complimenting your furniture. Shipments of window coverings in the United States are expected to hit $3 billion in 2021. There’s never been a better time to get in touch with your creative side.
Is it possible to have it all? With honeycomb shades and draperies, anything is possible.