Packing up and moving to a new place isn’t as easy as they make it look in a movie montage, huh?
It would certainly be easier to just store your thousands of furniture, clothing items, knick-knacks, decorations, and designer shoes in the span of a single pop song…but, sadly, reality has other ideas. That doesn’t mean moving should be a complete chore, however! Moving companies are well aware of all the effort that goes into seeking greener pastures. They can help you pack everything up properly and get every last item to its destination safely. Yes, even that fragile vase you got for Christmas!
Don’t tear your hair out. Consider using your moving expenses and hiring moving help to make your transition from point A to point B a little smoother.
Renters Are Moving Constantly
Think you stand out moving yet again? Not quite! Studies have shown nearly 35% of American renters move every year, for reasons ranging from getting a new job to just needing a change of pace. The average 30 year-old today has moved six times, with the total average being 12 times throughout a lifetime. Moving expenses year in and year out can really take their toll on you, but moving furniture is one resource you should never push to the wayside.
Americans Are Starting To Spread Out More
You’re going to see some serious changes these next few years. Americans are moving more than ever before, spreading out in search of something a little bit better. According to data from the 2016 Current Population Survey Annual Social And Economic Supplement (say that five times fast!), nearly 12% of the American population moved between 2015 and 2016. Just take a look at Seattle to see how things are shifting. Between July of 2015 and July of 2016 Seattle had a net gain of nearly 21,000 people.
Some Moving Days Are Busier Than Others
Not sure which day to start heading out? Take a look at these statistics to give you a better idea. Data has shown Fridays to be the busiest days in the moving industry, boasting nearly 20% of all moves in a given year. Most Americans chooes to move in the summer, to boot. Back in 2016 nearly 15% of moves occurred in June, taking advantage of the warm weather.
Seattle Is One Of The Most Coveted Cities
You might be reading this list not with a plan in mind, but a dream. You want to live somewhere else…you’re just not quite sure where to begin. If you could use some ideas, Seattle isn’t a bad place to start looking. The 18th largest city in the country, Seattle has seen some of the heaviest moving rates out of any place in the country. Its close proximity to the ocean, lively art culture, and smart living prices make it a perfect option for many.
Moving Help Goes A Long Way In Maintaining Your Sanity
When you need help moving, just look to reliable movers to take some of the strain out of your week. The average American household has over 300,000 things, with even smaller homes still being pretty cluttered. Not only do you need to get everything organized, you also need to ensure you’re not looking forward to broken or bent items when you reach your new home. A local moving company can give you both the physical help of moving that huge sofa and the practical know-how to keep your head above water. In fact, it might just be the best usage of your moving expenses.
Anything worth doing usually isn’t easy. That doesn’t mean it can’t be easier!