Owning a pool can be a great thing, there’s no doubt about it. A pool is great for the summer months (or for all year round, if you live somewhere with a warmer climate) and can be enjoyed by all members of the family – even the pets. Pools are even just great for sitting next to and sunbathing by. However, pool maintenance is highly important and is necessary to extend your pool to its maximum lifetime of anywhere from six years to ten years. Regular pool maintenance will help to keep you swimming in your pool for longer without needing to go through the costs of replacing it.
First, though, let’s look at some of the advantages of owning your very own pool, perhaps even with a custom pool design. For one, it’s a great way to get some exercise. Swimming is great for your body but easy on the joints, making it the ideal form of physical activity for many who struggle with chronic pain conditions and even some degenerative diseases such as arthritis. Pools are also great for entertaining, something that around fifty six percent of all home owners said that they were in the process of trying to make their backyards more easily suited for. The addition of a swimming pool is one easy way to do that, particularly if you have children. Pools can also be relatively long lasting when given the proper pool maintenance, though different types of pools have different lifespans. Above ground pools, which are typically less expensive than in ground pools, will typically last from anywhere between six years to ten years (if they are cared for well, frequently, and thoroughly). Their in ground counterparts, on the other hand, can last for as many as twelve years in total. If they are not properly cared for, however, they can also last for as little as five years before needing to be replaced.
There are many aspects of pool maintenance that should be considered when you own a pool. For one, safety is essential and is perhaps the most important part of pool ownership and pool maintenance. Keeping the water itself safe is important, and this is why around eighty five percent of all pools all throughout the United States will use chlorine to keep them sanitary and safe. Having a fence directly around your pool can also be important if you have young children or even just small animals who could potentially get out when you’re not looking. This so called isolation fencing should be four sided and at least five feet high – if not even higher. It should also prevent direct access to the pool unless the latch is unlocked. There should be absolutely no way to access the pool from the house or the yard without directly entering this isolation fence. While this might take away from some of the aesthetic appeal of your pool, it will prevent tragedy from occurring and can save lives – and has saved many before.
Pool maintenance also means cleaning your pool on a regular basis as well as repairing anything that needs to be repaired. For instance, a new coat of pool plaster should be applied around each decade that passes as a part of regular pool maintenance, as pool plaster begins to degrade over time. Far more regularly, however, you will need to sweep out your pool, cleaning it of any dead insects, leaves, or anything else that might have become collected in it over a short period of time, something that happens to all pools very frequently and can build up very quickly if not cleaned on a very regular basis.
Pools can be a great thing to have. After all, swimming is the fourth most popular sport in the United States. And even if you don’t like to swim, pools can be great for entertaining as well as your own private leisure purposes. Many swimming pools even have a hot tub that come alongside them, perfect for when it begins to cool off and it is no longer comfortable to swim in the main pool. But pool maintenance is highly important, especially as your pool begins to age.