When your house’s plumbing systems work efficiently, your day-to-day life can feel so much more simple and carefree. When you have a clogged drain, leaking faucet, or your toilet is on the fritz, however, it can definitely complicate matters.
Were you aware that your home’s plumbing has two different subsystems? Freshwater comes into your house through one subsystem, and then your wastewater moves out through another subsystem. These and other questions can be answered when you contact friendly, expert plumbers. You may also want to ask them about plumbing red flags so that you are able to contact them before things get out-of-hand.
One red flag that you may be aware of is that freezing temperatures and uninsulated pipes aren’t a good combination. If your pipes aren’t sufficiently insulated, when the temperature outside your home drops beneath 20 degrees Fahrenheit, they will probably freeze and then break.
Needless to say, a burst pipe will prove to be more than a minor inconvenience. Until they’ve been replaced, the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS) reports that 250 gallons of water can potentially spew into your home, and that’s on a daily basis.
When your home floods due to a burst pipe, it can destroy your floors as well as appliances, furniture, and personal items, according to the IBHS. In addition to making your home uninhabitable, losing valuable and sentimental possessions can be emotionally devastating.
Nearly 22% of homeowner insurance claims are due to water damage from pipes that have frozen and burst. The average amount of these claims is $4,024. While this may cover some of the repair and replacement costs, it doesn’t even begin to cover what really matters.
Leaks are another red flag. When you notice even a slight leak, it’s a good idea to have it inspected by a plumber as soon as possible. While it may not seem to be leaking all that much, that steady drip adds up. In addition to wasting around 90 gallons or more of water every day, these leaks may also cause you to waste 10,000 gallons a year.
While some leaks are easy to fix, others may be the sign of a larger problem. Leaking pipes in general are not a good sign, and should be dealt with now rather than later. Furthermore, when simple leaks are fixed, you may also notice a 10% difference in your quarterly or annual water bill.
In addition to handling repairs, plumbers are also an integral member of home remodeling teams. If you’re remodeling your bathroom, for example, you may want to consider having a low-flush toilet installed. These toilets can help you save around 18,000 gallons of water every year.
When you’re planning to remodel a second or third bathroom, just imagine all the water you’ll save by installing low-flush toilets in each of these rooms. This can also bring you a potential return on your investment when putting your house on the market.
Kitchens are another popular remodeling choice. Even a minor remodel, such as a new kitchen sink, counters, and backsplashes, can bring you a notable return. On average, you may have a return on investment of around 82.7%.
Whether you are seeing red flags or have an emergency, the good news is there are same day service plumbers that can come to the proverbial rescue. When your water heater breaks down or a frozen pipe bursts, it’s good to know that same day service plumbers are also available 24 hours a day. When you contact same day service plumbers, be sure to mention all of your house’s plumbing issues.