The average American household loses up to 22 gallons of water to leaks each day; that amounts to an average of 14$ of a household’s water use. Annually, the average household loses over 10,000 gallons of water annually, the equivalent to 270 loads of laundry. Leaks can be due to several factors, including inadequate pipes, valves and fittings. Here are some of the most notorious indicators of water waste and what you can do to solve it.
Problem Areas
The winter months require extra care for families located in areas with extreme winter conditions. The family of four that has a monthly water use exceeding 12,000 gallons in winter likely has a serious leak problem that may have resulted from a frozen and cracked pipe. Even a crack as small as 1/8-inch can release up to 250 gallons of water in just a day, causing severe structural damage, flooding, and mold buildup. To prevent pipes from freezing, keep your thermostat no lower than 55° Fahrenheit even when you aren’t home.
Repair Materials
With a variety of pipe replacement methods, it is easier than ever to remove and fit a new pipe, but there are steps that can be taken to preventing a pipe replacement. By ordering from a brass fittings manufacturer, you can have solid metal compression fitting alternatives to plastic connectors. Aside from a leak-tight seal, the benefit of a brass fittings manufacturer is the fact that 90% of all brass alloys are made using recycled copper and zinc (the modern ratio is 67% copper to 33% zinc). Generally, there is a 2% addition of lead in the brass, but there are lead free brass fittings available as an option. Prevention is much cheaper than replacement, make sure your pipes are properly secured and protected.