UPDATED 3/3/21
Flooring is more than just hardwood and carpeting, and if your looking to redecorate your home, why night consider some other floor coverings as well? Sure, hardwood flooring and carpeting do have their benefits, but they are also the most common types of flooring. Why not set your home apart with beautiful floors that don’t look just like everyone else’s?
Tile flooring is another type of flooring that people forget to consider. There are many different types and styles of tile, and all sorts of beautiful floors that result. There is ceramic tile flooring, slate tile flooring, and laminate tile flooring, among others.
Slate tile flooring is currently the trendy, popular tiling for both walls and floors, indoors and out. Slate tile flooring is durable, versatile, and stylish. Slate has a fine grain and a huge array of colors, and has been used for centuries. Before slate was used for flooring and wall tiles, it was used for roofing, and even for writing tablets (no, not the kind of tablets you’re used to now.)
Slate became popular as a building and decorating material when it was discovered that it breaks into thin sheets and is easy to stack. It can be a heavy material, but it makes up for that by being waterproof, fire-resistant, and durable, which are all ideal characteristics for any material in your home.
The waterproof factor makes slate tile a particularly good solution for bathrooms and kitchens. Many types of tile can get very slippery when wet, but the texture of slate, as well as its water-resistance, makes it a much safer and more comfortable surface. Slate tiles are also very comfortable underfoot.
Slate is often used in a more natural state, with more natural shapes and rougher edges, but more recently, tiles are becoming more and more popular. 12″ by 24″ are the most popular size, but flat and smooth planks, installed in much the same way as a hardwood floor, as growing in popularity. Helpful sites.
Commercial and Industrial Flooring
Many people overlook simple tile as a viable option when considering their commercial flooring. From common stone to more specialized industrial floor tile, the range of colors and choices available to you when you choose to go with a tile floor is nearly endless. Tile can be customized to suit nearly any business’s needs.
If you’re looking for commercial flooring ideas, tile flooring may be your best overall option. Commercial grade vinyl floor tiles can look just as expensive and detailed as other flooring options you could choose for your business, and they’re likely to be less expensive than many of your other options. Industrial linoleum is also a solid choice as it’s surprisingly sturdy and will stand up to the wear and tear customers bring.
You may also choose to buy stone tiles online and have them installed instead. Stone tiles like slate will also help cool the space in warmer months and store heat in the winter, so it’s a good choice if your power bills are a concern. Shop around a little to find the best online tile shop before you make your purchase.