Are you making your seasonal allergies even worse? Hay fever symptoms are, simply put, no fun. Many Americans aggravate their symptoms and/or act in ways that make matters significantly worse, and usually without even knowing it. What are you doing (sometimes even daily!) that is making the allergy season completely miserable?
Ignoring Important Resources For Allergy Sufferers (Check The Pollen Count!)
The pollen count may be one of the most invaluable resources for allergy sufferers. Still, many ignore it completely. If you suffer from allergies — and particularly pollen allergies — use some common sense. Take advantage of the information that’s out there, including the pollen count. You can get detailed (sometimes even hourly!) information about the pollen count on or most websites with hourly weather forecasts.
You’re Not Cleaning Your House
A dirty and/or cluttered home will trap allergens — and a lot more allergens than a comparatively clean home. Make cleaning and tidying up a routine, even if you’re busy, and reconsider some of the objects in your home. Children’s stuffed animals, for example, can make allergy symptoms even more severe. Choose flexible, vinyl toys or hard plastic toys for your children instead.
Your Air Conditioner Is Years Old, And It Looks It, Too
Having home air conditioning systems or heating and cooling systems serviced is critical. If you are not repair-savvy, you should be seeing heating and cooling services or heating and cooling companies at least once a year to change your air conditioning filter and clean units. This will help your unit or system run most efficiently, lower your bill, and keep your air conditioner filtering the most possible allergens out of the air.
Keep your allergies at bay, and don’t be miserable this allergy season. Remember, home air conditioning systems need to be cleaned, check the pollen count and other resources, and always clean to eliminate dust and pollen in your home. Read more about this topic at this link.